

12 Stars Who Left The Food Network

July 2, 2024 | by lovetastycooking.com


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Emeril Lagasse, the famous chef behind the catchphrase “BAM!,” basically made the Food Network what it is today. Starting with his 1993 show “How to Boil Water,” Lagasse moved on to “Emeril Live,” which aired from 1997 until 2007. Celebrity chef, Aarón Sánchez, credits Lagasse with transforming Food Network, telling Saveur, “They were dump-and-stir shows. You get the recipe, you put the things in the pot, you stir … Emeril added flair.” “Emeril Live” was still incredibly popular when it ended in 2007, leaving viewers and industry executives stumped as to why Food Network canceled the show.

This was around the time the network shifted gears, trying to remain relevant in an industry increasingly saturated with reality television. As a result, the Food Network moved toward competitions and away from basic cooking shows. After Lagasse’s departure, one executive told The New York Times, “All good things come to an end, and it was time to do something new.”

After leaving Food Network, Lagasse moved on to other channels, working on ION Television, the Hallmark Channel, the Cooking Channel, and Amazon Prime. Lately, the chef has stepped away from the spotlight. His New Orleans restaurant, Emeril’s, has been in business for over 30 years, and Lagasse remains very involved. “I’m in the kitchen every day,” he told Saveur. He also founded a charitable foundation, the Emeril Lagasse Foundation, which has awarded millions of dollars in grants for food projects in underserved communities.

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